Heidi Zorn, President of Premier Equestrian, a leading supplier of dressage arenas, horse jumps, arena footing and stable accessories, said she is pleased with the new products Premier is offering their customers. “We have some great new products that I know riders would love to have Santa bring them during the holidays,” Zorn said. “When kids and junior riders see our new line of Kids & Mini Jumps they are going to be jumping for joy. We offer a complete line of Kid Jumps, a Kids Dressage Arena, Kids Mini Wall, Pony Lattice Gates and an adorable line of Graphic Panels to decorate each jump.” Jumps for Kids can be found at http://www.kidjumps.net/
Premier’s new Berkshire Dressage Letters offer great form and function at an extremely affordable price. The letters are four-sided and 22 inches tall and 16 inches wide at the base. The Berkshire letters include bottom plates, enabling them to be filled with sand for maximum stability in windy conditions. “The Berkshire Letters are stackable and compact, taking up less storage space and they are easy to transport,” Zorn said. “We also have new Berkshire Step Dressage Letters and new Berkshire Jump Numbers.”
Additional new Premier products include a line of Equine Comfort Products, unsurpassed in quality, design and utility, including Australian Merino Sheepskin Pads and Accessories. A variety of designs are available, including Semi-Lined Square Quilted Dressage Pad with Sheepskin, Square Dressage Pad with Removable Sheepskin Panels and Fully Lined Close Contact Pads.
“We have a whole new selection of barn and stable accessories from High Country Plastic Products including everything from insulated buckets, bridle hooks and brush boxes to portable dog kennels and a Berkshire Step Stool Mounting Block, ” Zorn said, adding that Premier Equestrian also offers a complete line of horse jumps and horse jumping equipment including jump standards, gates, walls, jump cups, horse jump poles, sponsor jumps, and cavaletti.
For more information on all Premier Equestrian products, including footing, dressage arenas, jumps and stable accessories, visit their website at www.PremierEquestrian.com or call 800-611-6109
Photo: Premier Equestrian is ringing in the holidays with new products and a holiday sale designed to thrill equestrians of all ages. Premier’s new Berkshire Dressage Letters offer great form and function at an extremely affordable price. (Photos courtesy of Premier Equestrian)
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